Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I just accepted a job offer in Europe. I am moving in June!!!


The Gerard Family said...

Good for you!! COngratulations! When you have kids you can't just up and go you really have to think whats best for them, so good for you what fun to travel to Europe and work. Keep your blog going!! Also, cute place!

Brianne Skidmore said...

What?! But, your new place. Seriously, how fun, though. Is it long term? Where in Europe? Details, please.

Brianne Skidmore said...

OK, first the links- sign into Blogger with your name and password. Then, you have a few choices, click on LAYOUT. Your blog layout will pop up. On the side of your layout should be a spot that says, 'add a page element'. Click on that. Then, click on LINK LIST. Now just choose a title for your link list and start adding the web addresses and names. Really easy.
And, I would love to come swimming one weekend, but Sundays aren't good for me, so let me know if you're doing it on a Saturday.

The Porter Post said...

Hey Yve! It's Trisha (Middleton) Porter. I came across your blog from Alicia's! Your move sounds so exciting...good for you! Glad you are doing well, and please in keep in touch.

Brianne Skidmore said...

Hello------Are you still out there?